Thursday, October 4, 2007


Polly is one of those dogs that instantly you are attached to. I know this because I am attached. I have fostered alot of dogs. Of all of the dogs I have fostered I have kept only Vito. I am not about to start a trend. I don't need another dog. In fact. I CAN'T have another dog. So- you, yes you, ask around, pass the word. I have this awesome little dog who needs a home. And quick!

Polly was found on the reserve- flea infested and scared to death. She was a mess for the first few weeks, refused eye contact, submissive pee'd, wouldn't come any where near you. With the help of one of our best foster homes- Don and Bernice, Polly has made an AMAZING turn around. It is like she is not even the same dog- she is happy, friendly, outgoing, energetic and relaxed. She loves other dogs, and will fetch a toy for hours. She has amazing social skills for a dog who was abused and not looked after.

She has been at my house off and on (thanks Wendy) for a few weeks now and I am trying not to see how sweet she is, how she melts into your lap when you pick her up, how she looks up at you with those soft brown eyes, how her little bark can pierce your ear drum...wait, I was talking about the GOOD in she is so gentle with the kitty, how she loves to tug, and how she is so smart. But as always dogs are not perfect and Polly has her....shall we say hangups...she is barky, not in the sense that she barks all the time but when she plays she likes to bark and her bark is less than pleasant. She almost is housetrained. I say almost because she does understand that she is supposed to go outside but sometimes she forgets to ask....nothing like stepping in a warm puddle of pee....she is crate trained and enjoys her crate time but she still cries for the first few minutes. And being the little herding dog that she is- she nips. Not maliciously, but she is persistent and although we are doing our best to teach her otherwise she is convinced that this is an okay form of play. It is slightly annoying. But despite all of her "hangups" she is a wonderful dog who really deserves to find a home where she can blossom into the great dog that she could be. So- You, yes you, spread the word. We are looking for an ACTIVE home for Polly- she would be a great Agility dog and I will settle for nothing less than what I would consider a perfect home for Polly- afterall I am in no big hurry to be rid of her.