Monday, June 30, 2008
Also a big thank you to the other rescues who came- Taber Animal Shelter, Brooks, Pit Bulls for life, and 2nd Chance from Pincher Creek came out and it was nice to visit, and get to know their dogs a bit better. It always amazes me at how great these dogs are. All of them have had one sad story or another and still they love us. Amazing.
Of course the Raffle table was a hit- we had a lot of great support from local businesses and our table was filled to the brim with goodies. The garage sale went over great, and the M & M BBQ was busy most of the afternoon. Between the raffle table, the garage sale and general donations we raised just over $1100! Woohoo!
We also had some really great adoptions. The one that made us the happiest of all was Dolly. Little Dolly has been with us for more than 2 months- MUCH longer than any other dog we've had. But the Perfect family for her came along and she has already settled in. Mikey also was adopted- right away his family singled him out and loved him. Only one of the pups were adopted- Miles, the curly boy. It was a surprise as we thought we'd have a ton of applications on them. And little Obi went to a great couple who will be active enough to keep up with him! Mojo will be heading off to her new home in the next week or so.
Piper, Darby, Macy, and Minni are still waiting for their families...
Thanks again to everyone who came out to support us- it was nice to meet some faces from the blog!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
mmm,mmm, Cute!
Here they are.....
And now for the pups....
The puppies are approximately 10 weeks old and are outgoing, socialised little things with very different personalities. They all adore people, and have been exposed to cats, kids and other dogs. The housetraining started last night and they will have a pretty good handle on it in a short time. As with all puppies they will need lots and lots of training- think of the chewing, the early morning pee breaks, puppies cannot be left home alone 8 hours and will need frequent breaks through out the day- they are cute for sure, but they will need work! We are taking applications on them and will have them at the adoption fair. Applications are NOT on a first come, first serve basis. We want to find the best, most suitable homes for each pup.
The diva of the group is Minnie. This pup is a leader and is a take charge kind of puppy. To look at her she seems quite innocent doesn't she! Minnie likes to snuggle too but at this point loves to explore and investigate. She is the bravest of the bunch and will grow up to look like her mom.
Adoption Fair
We have a BUSY, but fabulous day planned for Sunday! I'd like to invite you ALL to come out and meet us, drop in for a burger, browse our great garage sale and come on in and meet our dogs.
The Garage Sale will be kicking off bright and early around 10:00. Alta Aluminum has graciously donated the use of their parking lot- we have lots of GREAT stuff!
M&M Meats is putting on a BBQ in the Paws on the Run parking lot for us, with all proceeds being donated back to us! They have the best BBQ around! (Darby says "Sounds Yummy!!!")
Inside we will have our Silent Auction table. The support we have had from local businesses has been amazing and we have loads of stuff to auction off. From pet related, to household items we will have something for everyone!
And of course we can't forget about the dogs- we will have all of our currently available pooches, and three local rescues will be attending as well with their dogs. We will have more than 20 dogs for you to come meet, and fill out an application for.
When: Sunday, June 29th. 10:00- 4:00
Where: Paws on the Run Doggie Daycare
242 12 st N, Lethbridge
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A Star is Born
Logan (a past adoptee who is NOT available for adoption)
The story will run on Shaw periodically over the next week leading up to the fair- we appreciate the coverage and hope it will bring more people down to see what we are about.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Piper is doing great and is settling well into her foster home. She is proving herself to be a wonderful dog with a little attention and exercise. Piper LOVES to learn new things and is willing to do anything to make you happy. She is very food motivated, loves to play with toys and is just a really good girl!
Obi has it all- good looks, and a great personality!
Obi has a very outgoing, look at me, kind of attitude. He loves to be the center of attention and thinks that the world should revolve around him.
He is very much a "It's all about Me" kind of dog!
He is happy, friendly and is quite happy to meet and greet strangers. He is doing great with other dogs, is learning about cats, and is catching on pretty good to this whole housetraining thing. I met with Obi and his foster mom on Saturday and was really impressed with him. He had never met me and was all over me- confident and sure of himself. He didn't stop moving throughout the whole photo shoot- and was curious about his new surroundings.
His foster home reports that he is doing great in the crate, and is just a nice puppy to have around. He is cuddly and loves to kiss, and is a great player, he really enjoys playing with balls and squeaky toys.
We are getting ready for our upcoming ADOPTION FAIR. Lots of work and planning goes into it before the actual event. We are planning a bigger, better adoption fair this time- a garage sale will be held in conjuction- Alta Aluminum has graciously donated their parking lot for our use. M & M meats is doing a BBQ too- so there will be yummy burgers and hotdogs available as well.
There will be a silent auction, and we are rounding up lots of great stuff!
And of course you can't forget the reason we are doing this- the dogs. We will have all of our available dogs (which at this point isn't very many!!!) and we have invited two other organisations as well- Brooks Animal Protection Society will be on hand with some of their dogs, and Melanie from Second Chance (Pincher Creek) will be here as well.
We have had a fair number of adoptions lately too- Luke is heading to his new home this week, Rosie, and Maybe both went to their new homes on the weekend. So we are down to the two pittie pups- Obi ( I have new pics to share with you in the next post) and Leia. The pups are growing like weeds and are doing great! Dolly is STILL looking for her forever home. I am hoping to have new pictures this week. And miss Darby- who is settling in well at her foster home.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Little Wiggly...
Darby wandered onto someones acreage and promptly made herself at home. After a few run ins with the cattle it was decided she would be shot- or moved somewhere else. So here she is.
We are guessing she is between a 3 and five years old. From the way she acts, and looks it seems like she has not had an easy life. She is very much a "farm dog." The fellow who had her thought that with a little work she could even be useful with the cattle but he had neither the time, nor the inclination to do so.
Darby is a very typical border collie in that she adores people. She loves to be pet, and starts wiggling and slinking from a few feet away. Unlike some Border Collies this one appears to be GREAT with cats. She was not bothered at all by it and was quite respectful.
She doesn't seem to know much in the way of obedience- but does sit, and I am sure will be a quick learner. Darby loves to play- and is a fabulous tugger. She is eager to make you happy, and is not an off the wall hyper dog. With a little bit of work this dog will make someone VERY happy. She is just a nice dog to have around!
Maybe a good picture...
Maybe is doing great these days and is proving to be a good little companion. She is learning lots of new things and loves to play. She is a fetching machine and is actually quite gentle with her toys. Maybe takes a while to warm up to new people still, but will take cookies, and happily go for a walk with them! This dog has changed alot in a short time!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
4 days...

Monday, June 2, 2008
Item # 216
We have named her Rosie and she is settling in very well. We were told that she is a Pembroke Corgi/Border Collie Cross. I definitely agree- she has a very border collie face, but appears to be very much a corgi. She is soft and gentle and is fabulous with kids. Rosie is great in the house and likes to lay at your feet. She loves to go for walks and doesn't even pull! Rosie is learning about housetraining and has only had one accident so far!
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Obi....He is the smart guy of the group- and seems to be wiser beyond his age. He is a great little pup who I think would make a great pet- he adores people, loves to learn and is willing to please.
and then there is Luke
who doesn't like to stay still for a minute! This little guy has lots of things to do and is always in a hurry. Once he is tired he is all snuggles, but when he is up and around he's a busy guy!
These pups were found under an abandoned house on the reserve. Their mom was no where in sight but we are guessing that they are Pit Bull Lab type crosses. They will be med-large sized dogs as adults. Pit Bulls make GREAT pets, and are not the monsters the media makes them out to be. As with any dog it pays to do your research!
These pups will be ready for their new homes in the next week. We are also looking for foster homes so that we can split them up. If you are interested in fostering you can email Amanda at